miercuri, 22 aprilie 2020

Positive message from the Romanian students during the pandemic 2020

Some of my students from Scoala Gimnaziala Vasile Alecsandri from Baia Mare, Romania, made some self portraits with their masks on their faces to send positive messages to their friends from abroad, from the projects they have shared this school year. They say: Stay at home. Be well and healthy. All will be well. We salute all our friends from Taiwan, Italy, Georgia, Germany, Turkey, Morocco, Algeria, Bangladesh, Kenya, Palestine, Tunisia, Ukraine, India, Nepal, Pakistan and others.

Romanian version: 

Elevii mei de la Scoala Gimnaziala Vasile Alecsandri din Baia Mare trimit prietenilor lor din proiectele pe care le-am desfasurat in acest an scolar un mesaj pozitiv. Ei si-au facut auto-portreul cu masca pe fata si au scris: Stati acasa. Sa fiti bine si sanatosi. Totul va fi bine. Ii salutam pe toti prietenii din tarile mai sus mentionate.